18 February 2015


Sorry but its been awhile since I was here. The truth is, I haven’t known what to write about that could possible be worthy of your time reading my blog. The thought of Nahlas 6 month milestones, & our new & cute residence did cross my mind once or twice. I then thought about joining the cooking bloggers in showing you some of my latest and greatest kitchen-wins. But I started to ponder about what I really wanted to share - & I came up with this.

Meet NaMissy ... a forging young friendship that I watch over, ponder on and laugh at, throughout the course of my day. Firstly, let me comment on this image, one that received quite a lot of interest. If you think that this was carefully sculpted & timely captured, think again. Watch on ... (scuse the blur factor)

So calm. So chilled.

These two furry tops do not exactly ooze intellectual stimulation or conversation during this at-home stage of mine. But what they do bring, is a pure innocence & stress-less vibe to my surrounding, that says “Let’s focus on right now - & for this present tired body & brain of mine - it’s been a beautiful thing!

I thought at first, the older furry one would be a nuisance & simply put, an extra chore. But her new day-time-security-job means she spends her days "busy" laying, sitting and being walked all over by a little 8kg helmet-head who loves nothing more than to suck fervently on the TV remote control.

Although the days are numbered where the IQ level of these two remains somewhat similar, the pleasure of these two companions continues to calm and medicate my soul; & teaches me that love is a universal language for all creatures great and small.

Lastly, a shout out goes to another hairy head who is mostly responsible for this relaxed and doll-like version of Missy in which allows her to do her job. This one I speak of wakes up with the alarm of seagulls every morning at 5am (literally the alarm type is named ‘seaside’) to walk, tire out & ultimately love on our four-legged family member. If it weren’t for him, this friendship might not be as well formed. Thanks husband & pack-leader Nath ;)

Nomes xo 

P.s. I do apologise if reading this was not worthy of your time.